2013年9月22日 星期日

My Favorite actor

My favorite actor is Brad Pitt. Although he is in his late forties, he is still attractive to me. The movie 'Troy', at which Pitt acted Acilles, impressed me most. And in his latest movie 'War World Z', culminating in his choice between his family and all the human beings, he interpreted both a father and a soldier well. He is always the most mature, charming and intelligent guy in the movies, that's why I like him so much.

2013年9月15日 星期日

My Favorite Soundtrack

My favorite soundtrack is the dark knight movie series,it really struck a chord in me.It allows of no doubt that its soundtrack plays an important part in the series.Especially its tune,just like the seriousness,toughness and mystery under the bat man's mask.I greatly recommend the soundtrack because it's the best one I have ever heard.

2013年9月8日 星期日

My Favorite American Movie

My favorite American movie is ‘The Island’produced by Michael Bay.For one thing,Scarlett Johansson is exactly hot;for another,I am really touched by the plot.When it comes to clones,we usually think of the use of providing organs.But don't clones have the rights like human beings?The movie is about the issue of that,two clones realized the trap of the island,they escaped,and tried to find their hosts.Eventually,we can detect that the male clone is kind and gentle,while his host is aggressive and greedy.So maybe one day,some illegal industry like this will be established,we still should strongly fight against this.